Wednesday, June 1, 2016

What is an EBOOK ? | KDP Amazon

What is an EBOOK ?



Well every month over 20 million people has the same question that ” What is an ebook “. So this is not a very complicated question and basically its a pdf or it could be in any other format like a txt file it depends on the nature of ebook like an ebook can contain text, pics, links and many other stuff. It can contain some links some clickable links where people can link some other documents or pages to that ebook. Well the most easiest answer to this question would be

  • “A book just like other books which you get from a book store having several pages so an ebook is an electronic book or digital book and it has same pages just like a book which you buy from a store but it has some extra features which you cant have in other books like, clickable links, standart links, photos, galaries, and some other stuff. An ebook can be viewed on Computers, PDA’s, Mobile Phones, Tablets and many other devices. An ebook can contain different formats or extentions like, pdf, txt etc etc, but the most common format of an ebook is PDF format. It is also known as Electronic book because it is available on the internet and you can start reading it instantly.”

There are some advantages in having ebook or buying ebooks just like other standard book most of the people of old age they have issues reading books like some books has small letters they cant read or some how if you misplace any pages you are introuble. So having an ebooks you do not have such issues. There are some softwares called ebook reader ( ereaders ) which can read ebooks for you where you do not have to read every single page. As the matter of fact some ebooks are quite large so you need plently of time here it comes ebook readers ( ereaders ) it can read whole ebook for you and you can change Voice, you can convert the voice into different types etc etc.  Most ebook readers ( ereaders ) are now equipped with “E Ink” screens, which display text and images without the use of back lighting making the text easier to read for long periods of time and visible even when read in full sunlight. Some of the famous ebook reading ( ereaders ) devices are Nook, Cool-er, FLEPia and there are many more each ebook reader ( ereaders ) has different features and you can find a cheap one out there online. Every ebook reader ( ereader ) has cababily of reading different formats as ebooks itself contains many different formats so before you buy any ebook reader ( ereader ) make sure it cover everything you need, its like “the more you spend the better you get.”

Types of Ebooks

Apart from other different types of ebooks, mainly ebooks are divided into two main catagories which are PAID ebooks and FREE ebooks. Title it self difines the meaning of both ebooks. Paid ebooks are those which are being sold for a specific money or it may have other terms and conditions like, 2 days trials etc etc. The other type of ebook which is free ebook is pretty much says that those ebooks which are being sold at no cost, absolutely free. There are tons of ebooks which are being sold for Free as well as for money. It depends on what type is it.

Well generally if an Author has hundreds or Thousands of subscribers or even more, for sure he is going to sell his ebook for some money and it totally depends on the nature of ebook. Now lets assume if there is a site or blog which has tons of subscribers or people and that site typically help people out in providing some rich content it could be of any nature but it help them out in learning or it has something which is the need of there subscriber that way a site or a blog can sell good number of ebook and can earn a real good money.

Internet money which is also known as money which is being earned via Internet, there are so many different ways how you can earn money online and later on you will see some very good ways how you can make  good money via internet or online but all of the methods ways through which you can make money online follows the same rule which is “AUDIENCE”, “TRAFFIC” or “SUBSCRIBERS”. You can turn your Fans, readers, subscribers into sales money very easily but it depends how you do it. There are tons of examples where people made some real good money but again you cant just follow one person you will need to do something extraordinary write something, do something which makes your readers and fans interested if its an ebooks people will buy as if they buy there daily stuff for home.

Format of Ebooks:

“There are many formats of ebooks which has been discussed above so lets just take a look at some of the ereader file formats available online.”

  • STK

This extension identifies Starebooks format.

  •  LRX/BBeB

BBeb is a Sony Format, also known as LRF for its file extention and LRX file formats are encrypted.

  • PDB

This format is quite famous its palm reader format.

  • MOBI

This is mobi Pocket reading software

  • LIT  

This is a Microsoft files extention, format for Microsoft ebook readers.

  • AZW

This file format is for Kindle series and this file format  is used on ebook  that are protected with DRM and the files which are not protected.

Once you have your ebook reader ( ereader ) for your specific ebook reading format you can go ahead and get your ebooks online from Amazon or Ebay there are many online store specifcally for ebooks but make sure before you buy check if your ebook reader ( ereader ) can support that ebook format.

  • PDF

Adobe’s “Portable Document Format. T hese file Format ebooks can be viewed by Adobe Acrobat Reader

  • TXT

This is a simple text format file just like a note pad file, can be viewed on any computer.

  • RTF 

This file format compromises of Text format for Word and Office and can be vi ewed on any computer having Microsoft Word and Microsoft installed on it.

  • DOC

This file format is a Microsoft word file format can be view on any computer having installed Word on it.

  • HTML

This is a HTML format know as Hyper Text Markup Language, well known language.

  • CHM

These file formats are Compressed HTML files

  • FB2

These file formats are only recognized by FBReader AIReader device for ebooks.

  • WOLF

This file format is only for Hanlin Device, can only be read on HanLin.

  • DJVU

This file format is just like PDF another copy of PDF file format.

  • EPUB 

EPub is a free, open standard for “reflowable” content

  • ACSM

This file format is for DRM for Adobe ebooks

  • FUB

This file format is read by Franklin device and is called Franklin Universal Binary.

  • KML

This file format is read by Hiebook device and this is an extention for this device.

  • PPT

This file extention is very common  Power Point files

  • -is.PDB

This file format is read by Isilo device and the word -is used before this format is only to create a difference in file formats.


Most of the ebooks are written in a PDF format and you can view read any PDF file via Adobe Acrobat Reader and this software has wide range of options to be used so most of the Authors and ebook writers mostly use PDF format and as compare to other file formats, PDF looks good and again you can have wide features and you can change the outlook of your ebook very easily, and you can also password protect it to avoid other people to read it. It is also known as Electronic book. The reason why people create electronic books is because they can create good content  at very cheap price and instead of going through all hassles of creating a normal standard book they can do the same even better in a very cheap price and as the matter of fact now a days there are millions and trillions internet users and internet is available across the globe so ebook writters can sell good number of ebooks globally and the good part is that not like other books people can start reading ebook instantly after buying it or having access to any ebook, It saves a lot of time for the reader to read any ebook and they can also skip through the stuff which they do not need. Hope this helps millions of people who wants to know ” What is an Ebook ” and lets just go deep into ebooks and discuss some types of ebooks.

Selling your ebook:

One of the most effective way to sell your ebooks without spending anything from your pocket not even a single penny, most of the people out there spend thousands of dollars each month or year to sell there ebooks and at the end they do not get what they should.

You can sell your ebooks without having a huge Audience Traffic or customers. Now a days people use black hat tricks to sell there stuff or to attract other people but really you do not have to go through all that tactics. Its just a smart way you sell your ebooks.

There are many authors who make 5 figure, six figure or even more every year by selling there ebooks infact there are wholo lot of customers in queue even before there ebooks is out, this is a different scenerio and infact this is something which happens very rare.

Selling ebooks is not a rocket science, its just you need to understand couple of things. Most of the ebooks seller does mistakes, there mind set it to get customers, traffic, satisfy people out there etc etc. but just take a look at this.

When ever you listen to your favorite music or you buy there CD’s you are not being sold, or you are not being called or you are not being satisfied to buy there CD its just you who makes your own decision and buys that CD. Same as the case with ebooks, If you have any favorite Author most probably you  will go ahead and buy the ebook you looking for rather then you being called to buy there ebook make sense ?


Most of the ebook writer who fail to generate the required revenue or money on the ebook for which they have spent many “hours”, “days”, “weeks” or even “months”. Before starting, or even writing a single page or word you should go ahead an take a look at the target market for example. If you are going to write an ebook lets say for “Search Engine Optimization” First you will need to make sure that people they are aware of that products or any services or what so ever is the ebook about. Now as an example Search Engine Optimization is something which every webster need and most probably any one who has interest in creating website, blogs etc most probably will go for it. But on the other side if your ebook is abour “Dancing” and you are trying to get traffic or people who are intersted in SEO or Bloggin or Writing Articles etc they wont go for it. So your first mission should be to check the target market. Now a days there are tons of software even website where you can enter a single work and it will provide you a complete history abd bio data even the number of searches made on daily basis, weekly or even Montly basis. You can check your product ebook like how many people search for your product on a Monthly basis so that way you will get an idea that how many sales are possible. This way you ebook will sell itself you wont need traffic, customer satisfaction or you wont need to pay for placing ads for your ebook.


Now the other main stef which you should follow should be to take a look at some of the famous ebooks writers Authors who are making some real good money and there ebooks are being sold just like if Oxygen is being sold in Space. Take a look at there tools, make sure before you start you have all the tools for your ebook and the material you will be needing for your ebook. Remember you have only 5 – 10 seconds to take someone interest towards your ebook, website, blog or anything you have because now a days people do not have time to read every single thing unless if there is something of there interest. So the first 5 – 10 seconds are very important you should write something which should be different and will attract people and definetly it will boost the number of sales for your ebook and thats what most of the Authors are doing you can try this, take a look at any ebook you will notice that the first part will be very interesting and infact you will fell in love with it, if its something of your interest. So make sure you have all the tools ready for your ebook and the content is good fresh up to dated and something which will interest people to buy or to read more.


There other most important part for selling your ebooks are your Fans, your readers or you can call them your subscribers. Now if you do have a site or blog where you do have access to good number of subscribers you can make your subscribers, readers into sales. Before writing your ebook keep in mind the second part which is your target market, and once your ebook is ready shoot it to the number of subscribers, readers you have on your site or blog. Now for instance if your blog is related to Animals and you write an ebook which is related to something else lets say, Search Engine Optimization most probably you will fail. So first you will need to make sure that you do have audience which is interested in something which you have for them. Now as you do have a list of readers, subscribers after your ebook is ready just shoot it, the best method and the most effective method is to send them a newsletter via Email it is the most cheapest and produces very good results. So your Audience, readers, Fans are your sales its just how you take them you can make some real good money with your ebooks if you put in some effort and play with your mind. Not like other big Authors who make five or 6 digits sales, but to achieve these number they spend good money by putting ads banners etc etc.

Hoping that these few small tips will help you out selling your ebooks its just how you play with your mind all of the above methods described above will help you out in getting good numbers and t he most important thing you will end up spending $0.0. Selling good numbers of ebooks is not a big deal but selling good numbers of ebook without spending money is skill and this is how you make good money at the end.

For more information please visit my site


Keywords are important. In order to make your book stand out from the crowd, you must learn how to strategically choose them and ethically harness their power.

There’s a difference between Amazon Keywords and SEO Keywords. I’ve shown you how to choose and use them both to increase your ebook sales.

The right keyword combinations can open up new markets for you.

Strategic keyword selection will drive more viewers to your book. You can use keywords to gain more viewers and ultimately, make more sales.
Find the right keywords one of two ways: either use my free methods, or pay once for Keyword Samurai and have all the dirty work done for you.

With Keyword Samurai, you will have instant access to loads of incredibly valuable information at your fingertips.


The post What is an EBOOK ? | KDP Amazon appeared first on KDP Amazon.

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CONCLUSION Keywords are important. In order to make your book stand out from the crowd, you must learn how to strategically choose them and ethically harness their power. There’s a difference between Amazon Keywords and SEO Keywords. I’ve shown you how to choose and use them both to increase your ebook sales. The right keyword combinations can open up new markets for you. Strategic keyword selection will drive more viewers to your book. You can use keywords to gain more viewers and ultimately, make more sales. Find the right keywords one of two ways: either use my free methods, or pay once for Keyword Samurai and have all the dirty work done for you. With Keyword Samurai, you will have instant access to loads of incredibly valuable information at your fingertips. Cheers,

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