Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Kindle Promotion, Tactics to Maximize Kindle eBook Sales | KDP Amazon

The publishing industry today is experiencing what the buggy whip manufacturers at the turn of the last century must have endured.  Their industry was changing overnight and demand for their products was disintegrating before their eyes. Those newfangled machines from Henry Ford and the Dodge brothers were destroying their business and there was nothing they could do to salvage it.

The publishing business has been going through a consolidation and suffering major uphevals for the past ten to fifteen years. Companies have been acquiring other companies, merging with competitors or closing their doors. It’s not that the size of the pie is shrinking, it’s that the market has been migrating from print to digital.  The newspaper industry, magazines and even the Yellow Pages have seen their empires crumble as their customers choose electronic solutions to  meet their thirst for information and knowledge.

It used to be that to become a published author, one needed to sign with a book agent who (hopefully) had access to major publishing houses and could convince someone to review a manuscript. It could be a long and painful process with no guarantees of acquiring a publishing deal.  Today, the only requirements necessary to publish a book is that one have access to the Internet and a free account with Amazon.  Bingo! You’re a published author.

Fueling the growth for digital books, or eBooks as they are more commonly known, is the influx of inexpensive book readers like Amazon’s Kindle or Barnes & Noble’s Nook.  To put this in perspective, Amazon is the largest print book retailer in the universe, and they sell far more digital books than they do print.  We’re talking really big numbers here. No one knows the exact number because Amazon does not release their sales figures. Add to this that Amazon sells millions of products from apples to xylaphones, yet their best selling product is the Kindle reader.

As a result, people have become empowered and the dream of becoming a published author is easily available to anyone with a story to tell.  The meteoric growth of Kindle books has been breathtaking and people new to the publishing game are becoming millionaires. Recently, two self-published authors, John Locke and Amanda Hocking, each sold more than one million Kindle books.  Ms. Hocking, at 26-years-old, sold over 450,000 copies of her ebooks in January alone.

Clearly, John Locke and Amanda Hocking are not the typical self-published author; they got lucky.  The vast majority of authors are fortunate if they sell a handful of books every month.  The reason is simple, ther’s a ton of competition and every product whether it be a book or a Buick, needs a marketing effort behind it before it can gain critical mass.  Authors are story tellers, not Madison Avenue marketing experts.

The good news is that there is help available in this area and it comes in the form of a new Kindle book titled, “Kindle, How To Publish, Promote & Profit“.  Although this is my third book, I will be the first to admit that I don’t consider myself an author.  Dan Brown, James Patterson, J.K. Rowling and company; those people are authors, I am more of a teacher.  I’m a marketing guy who happens to have spent the past twenty years in the Internet business, and my three books are all “How-To” Internet business books. 

My latest book evolved as a result of my experience publishing a previous book on Kindle.  The mistakes I made cost me time and money. Helping other authors avoid those pitfalls and offering tips along the way will make their publishing experiences easier and more rewarding.

I have corresponded and personally met with numerous other Kindle authors and discovered that literally all of them share the same problem.  Once their book was listed in the Kindle book store…now what? How do they create awareness for their books, how do they promote them and where should they devote their time to help generate traction online?

My book serves two primary functions.  One, it is focused on helping authors prepare and format their manuscript for the Kindle and walking them through Amazon’s “Kindle Direct Publishing” (KDP) process. The second and most important focus is showing them how to create awareness for their book and how to promote it effectively to increase sales.  Readers will learn how to make enough noise online so that their book gets the attention of search engines and the people (prospective buyers) looking for information related to their book’s topic.

I am a marketing guy with a twenty year record of Internet promotional expertise and I have a great understanding of this technology. I am also pretty good at implementing this knowledge and teaching others how to use it and adapt it to solve their marketing problems.

Kindle, How To Publish, Promote & Profit” is a step-by-step blueprint that will teach you everything you need to know about publishing your book on Kindle and what to do to promote it to maximize sales.  Get your copy today! 

Source by Charlene


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The post Kindle Promotion, Tactics to Maximize Kindle eBook Sales | KDP Amazon appeared first on KDP Amazon.

from WordPress https://kdpamazon.net/kindle-promotion-tactics-to-maximize-kindle-ebook-sales-kdp-amazon/
CONCLUSION Keywords are important. In order to make your book stand out from the crowd, you must learn how to strategically choose them and ethically harness their power. There’s a difference between Amazon Keywords and SEO Keywords. I’ve shown you how to choose and use them both to increase your ebook sales. The right keyword combinations can open up new markets for you. Strategic keyword selection will drive more viewers to your book. You can use keywords to gain more viewers and ultimately, make more sales. Find the right keywords one of two ways: either use my free methods, or pay once for Keyword Samurai and have all the dirty work done for you. With Keyword Samurai, you will have instant access to loads of incredibly valuable information at your fingertips. http://kindlesamurai.net/ Cheers,

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