Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Stop Trying to Sell Your EBooks | KDP Amazon

Throughout the Internet there are many people who have written  ebooks , are writing  ebooks  or have produced other information products such as reports. No doubt, each writer wants to sell them. And many people have problems selling their  ebooks . That’s because they try too hard. Here’s a different approach which will change the way you see what you do.

Firstly, let’s take a look at the traditional book publishing business. An idea is turned into a series of words by an author. A team of people at the  publishing   company  then take those words and fashion them into a book. Then a printing company takes the output from the publisher to produce the final copies. These printed volumes are then taken to a wholesaler who then delivers them to a retailer. A series of customers then buy the book (hopefully!).

Now, look closely at that process again. The customer is buying the book from the retailer. The person doing the selling job is the retailer – not the author. The author is the first part of the manufacturing process which allows the retailer to sell something. So as an  ebook  author you are not a retailer, you are in the manufacturing business. Manufacturers don’t sell – retailers do. So, because as an  ebook  author you are a manufacturer, not a retailer, perhaps your sales would increase if you concentrated your efforts on the manufacturing process, rather than the selling process.

In the traditional publishing sector that’s exactly what happens. The publishers work out which book formats are best for a target market, they deal with pricing issues and they arrange all of the promotion. They hand all of this on a plate to the retailers who then do the selling job. The same is true for cars. Almost no car manufacturer sells cars; dealers do. But the car manufacturer does all the research and promotion. They provide the dealers with the advertising, the brochures and the support they need to help them sell.

So, take these analogies into the  ebook   publishing  business. What happens? Instead of  ebook  authors stopping their work at the end of the manufacturing process, they then try to be retailers as well. And then they wonder why they don’t have many sales.

Here’s a plan which works. Other  ebook  authors have demonstrated it time and time again. Stop selling your own  ebooks  – get other people to do that for you. On the Internet such retailers are called ‘affiliates’. Most affiliate schemes do not result in sales. The ones that work adopt the model of the publishing industry or the car market. Here, the  ebook  author does all the promotion and provides affiliates with every support necessary to help them sell the books. So provide your affiliates with brochures, adverts, newsletters, articles – anything they can use to sell your books. The more you do for your affiliates, the better they will be at selling your books. And because there are more of them, you’ll end up with far greater sales than you could achieve on your own.

Remember as an  ebook  author you are a manufacturer, not a retailer!

Source by Graham Jones


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The post Stop Trying to Sell Your EBooks | KDP Amazon appeared first on KDP Amazon.

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CONCLUSION Keywords are important. In order to make your book stand out from the crowd, you must learn how to strategically choose them and ethically harness their power. There’s a difference between Amazon Keywords and SEO Keywords. I’ve shown you how to choose and use them both to increase your ebook sales. The right keyword combinations can open up new markets for you. Strategic keyword selection will drive more viewers to your book. You can use keywords to gain more viewers and ultimately, make more sales. Find the right keywords one of two ways: either use my free methods, or pay once for Keyword Samurai and have all the dirty work done for you. With Keyword Samurai, you will have instant access to loads of incredibly valuable information at your fingertips. http://kindlesamurai.net/ Cheers,

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